OPUS RNOH User Group

Complete the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital appointment form

Welcome to OPUS, we are a user group from RNOH Stanmore Orthotic and Prosthetic centre. All patients and their family and carers are welcome to join and get involved.

Our aim is to provide an effective forum for all users, their families and carers of the RNOH Stanmore’s Orthotic and Prosthetic Department. Establishing a network of peer support alongside a positive working relationship between users, the centre and the Trust, provides opportunity to give feedback, input ideas, and voice any concerns about services provided by the centre.

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Download the RNOH welcome leaflet

Download our colouring sheets
design & colour your own sheet & email to OPUS for display in our gallery

Physiotherapy Exercises Following Transtibial (Below Knee) Amputation

To get in touch with Orthotics
Please call 020 8909 5418 or email rnoh.orthotics@nhs.net

To get in touch with Prosthetics
please call 020 8909 5505 or email rno-tr.pru@nhs.net

Please sign up to our mailing list, so we can keep you informed with news & upcoming events.

OPUS Friends

If you would like to speak to an OPUS FRIEND please email opus-rnoh@outlook.com
(but no medical or clinical advice can be given)

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